Inspire Development Centers

We did a redesign in our agency six years ago. Our priorities were in line but we still had a residue of older culture and old habits.  We also had untapped talent that wasn’t being developed because we were so busy.  We made the decision to become a coaching culture to improve communication and develop our teams. When leaders coach, it takes pressure off of leaders to figure everything out.    Now instead of just delegating, we coach our staff and teams to come up with their own solutions and make better decisions. The impact has filtered all the way to line staff. As a result, there has been a morale shift. People are feeling empowered to generate ideas and be creative. They have more confidence in each other on teams to face challenges


It’s a culture change. Our communication has improved, it’s easier for us to solve issues, and we have built amazing trust between leaders and staff. It’s a great feeling to see that our teams are growing and they are better off as a result of coaching. The best investment you can make is developing your employees.  If you have well developed employees your results are going to follow. Get the right people to lead your coaching culture. You will reap benefits for years to come.

About LWC

The program and materials were very thought out, planned and organized.  Our leaders knew if they had a concern or question we could reach out to LWC.  You were there every step of the way and we felt supported and challenged to keep our momentum and passion for a coaching culture alive.

Inspire Development Center leaders forming their coaching culture.

Is Your Organization Ready?