Leaders Who Coach: Our Approach

There are many executive leadership programs and coaching programs designed to increase performance and help organizations stay competitive.  All too often; however, something is missing.

Having the desire to accelerate the growth and development of teams and individuals, and build coaching skills is a solid start for any organization seeking to build greater outcomes. But it is only the beginning.

Leaders Who Coach (LWC) recognizes that, to achieve real outcomes, there is much more involved than only teaching executive leaders how to coach. This is the difference between LWC’s approach and that of most other leadership development and coaching organizations.

LWC begins with the development of self-awareness and self-improvement in the organization.  It also creates an understanding of how an internal coaching culture can transform the organization. This is the first step – and also the point where most other firms conclude.  Practical application is essential to sustained change and LWC builds on this foundation by collaborating with you to create a customized, step-by-step strategy for putting this knowledge into practice.

The coach-facilitators at LWC work side-by-side with you and your organization’s leaders throughout every phase of development. Whether the organization’s goal is to create high impact leaders through executive leadership coaching, develop internal coaches or to build a coaching culture that will transform the entire organization, LWC works in partnership with you to create a sustainable mindset of growth, development and outcomes.

Is Your Organization Ready?